Monday, November 7, 2011

The Company Rap

"The rap for Estee Lauder was in the store today with so many new products"
Rap = Company Rep


"My favorite restaurant is Crewsness in Santa Cruz"
Crewsness = The Crows Nest

Macaroni for lunch

"Do you want me to make macaroni for Wednesday when you come over?"
Macaroni = A vague generalization of just about any type of Pasta and sauce

Cracker Hams

"I just love tea in the afternoon with some cracker hams"
Cracker Hams = Graham Crackers

Archer Supply

For years my mother would talk about visiting a store for plants and such called "Archer Supply". I finally asked her where this store was that I had never come across, after much banter and clarifying the location I realized what she really meant to say was "Orchard Supply".
When I corrected her she seemed puzzled and  replied that there was no difference between the two words and that her friends all pronounce it the same way.